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14 Easy Ways to Develop Psychic Abilities, Intuition and ESP
When you think of psychic abilities, what comes to mind?
Maybe you think of a person lifting a car mentally.
Maybe you think of someone reading someone else’s thoughts.
No matter what you conjure up, there’s no doubt that psychic abilities are fascinating.
While many people believe people are born with psychic abilities, it’s possible to “learn” them as an adult. There are many benefits to doing this. Some of the biggest benefits include the following:
- A deeper connection with the world. By learning to feel energy, you can understand the people, places, and things in your daily life.
- Increased Confidence. Learning how to be psychic is confidence-booster for people of all ages.
- New friends. Building these skills can help you make like-minded friends.
- A greater understanding of yourself. Digging into your mind allows you to understand yourself. This is wonderful for anyone who wants to experience a deeper relationship with themselves.
- Improved intuition. Developing these mind powers improves intuition. (Psychic Junkie, List of Psychic Abilities & Forms of Prophesy)
Learning how to develop psychic abilities is an exciting task. While it takes some work, the process is fun!
While precognition and clairvoyance are desirable, few people understand what extrasensory perception (ESP) is. This understanding, of course, is one of the first steps toward mental development and a mastery of psychometry.
According to Ken Andes, L.Ac.:
In this article, we’ve laid out 14 easy ways to develop psychic abilities in your life.
If you’re interested in developing mind powers, here are 14 tips:
Practice Psychometry on a regular basis
Psychometry is a type of extrasensory perception that allows a person to “see” the history of an object by touching it. It’s one of the best ways to develop ESP and get information from the energetic realm is psychometry.
For example, an individual skilled in psychometry would be able to touch a sword, and know that a Spanish Conquistador used it in battles.
According to Psychic Readings Guide, practicing psychometry is important for your psychic abilities:
To start dabbling in psychometry, you’ll need to find some objects with which to practice. Ideally, these objects will be metal, since metal holds energy well.
With these objects, you’ll be able to practice “feeling” the past of the item. Rub your hands together to get your energy flowing before you lay them on the object. Once you’ve done this, ask yourself the following series of questions:
- Who owned this item?
- Did this person have kids?
- What was the person who owned this thing feeling?
Keep in mind that, even if it feels silly, psychometry is an excellent thing to practice during the process of developing your mind.
This is because it helps you get used to feeling the energy of inanimate objects, which makes it easier to feel the energy of people later.
Practice your skills on a regular basis
Developing psychic abilities is a lot like learning any new sport or skill – you need to practice.
Because you’re training your mind to do new things, practicing on a regular basis is important. It helps new skills become second nature, and allows you to take your mind powers to the next level.
Be aware that practicing is more effective when you do it well. Be sure always to practice in a quiet area where you can focus.
But, practicing in the right environment is critical:
Develop a meditative practice, and meditate each day for ten minutes
According to the Intuitive Souls Blog, the best way to break into meditation is to practice it daily:
While many people are unsure of how to develop a meditative practice in their lives, there are dozens of simple ways to do it.
One great way is to start with mindfulness meditation .
Here’s a link to another article where you can learn even more benefits of meditating: 7 Benefits of Mediation: The Science of How it Helps You.
Accept that you have a unique, remarkable & extraordinary ability
While everyone can develop extrasensory perception, it’s important to acknowledge your unique psychic abilities.
According to Stephen Wagner, a Paranormal Phenomenon Expert, recognizing your mind powers is important.
With this in mind, develop your unique gift instead of trying to embody someone else’s version of it. Learn to understand what ESP looks like for you, rather than for someone else.
Believe in yourself & your powers
Believing in yourself is critical to the development of your abilities, and it will influence your experience hugely.
When developing ESP, it can be tempting to doubt yourself or to believe that the incredible abilities you’ve heard about won’t apply to you. Unfortunately, this does nothing but cloud your vision.
Stay positive as you learn your new skills
Building your mental powers can get a little tough at times. Because of this, it’s important to keep a positive outlook. Remember that you’re doing something exciting and extraordinary.
When you get frustrated, remember that staying positive will enhance your experience and success.
With that in mind, Keen recommends taking proactive steps to remain positive,
While this may not seem related to building your powers, it’s an excellent way to keep yourself healthy and happy.
Here’s a link to another article that is about the power of positive affirmations and how you can use them to get the life you want: Positive Affirmations-The Secret to Getting Life Changing Results.
Maintain a “quiet” state of being
Imagine if you were trying to hear a whisper through a screaming crowd. You wouldn’t be able to do it, and you’d get frustrated trying.
The same thing goes for developing your mind powers.
You’re asking your mind to do something extraordinary, and that can take some time to master. Because of this, keeping a quiet state of being is essential to honing your abilities and enhancing your vision.
What is a quiet state of mind, you ask?
It’s a state where your body, mind, and intuition are all steady and calm, ready to connect with extrasensory things. In this way, a quiet state of mind is very different from a noisy state of mind.
Ken Andes, L.Ac. describes a noisy state of being this way:
Don’t be afraid to experiment or to fail
When it comes to developing your mind, experimentation and concentration are both essential. According to the website Metaphysics Knowledge,
One of the best ways to develop it, though, is to experiment on a regular basis. Because experimentation helps you learn what works and what doesn’t, it’s a smart way to develop your mental powers.
A willingness to experiment is essential to the presence of extrasensory perception.
According to Sharon Franquemont’s article on the University of Minnesota website, experimenting is essential.
Science has been reluctant in even acknowledging that ESP exists but we are starting to see that change. A recent study , published in an issue of the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology (JPSP) by respected and well known Cornell psychology professor Darl Bern, is a big reason for that shift.(Daryl J. Bem, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 100, 407-425, 2011)
Psychology Today offers some more information:
By experimenting and refusing to give up on your gift, you can quickly become one of the Fortunate people of people who enjoy (and are willing to develop) the gifts of ESP.
Work on developing your intuition
Intuition is a critical tool for developing mind powers.
In addition to allowing you to connect with the things around you, intuition allows you feel more.
For some people, though, the concept of intuition is strange, and learning how to develop intuition requires practice.
Hereford states the following:
Hereford explains that that intuition can have a positive impact on ESP development:
Think of it as any form of exercise: you must build your muscles before you can excel.
Meditate on your personal symbols
Developing mental powers relies in large part on developing an understanding of your personal symbols.
To do this, it’s important to practice personal symbol meditation.
According to Dr. Cate Howell, this is one of the best ways to get in touch with our intuition:
Personal symbol meditation allows us to access these things and draw them out in a more unique and exciting way.
To start personal symbol meditation, adopt a comfortable seated position and shut your eyes. Take a deep breath and bring to mind a symbol that will assist you in your journey to develop mental powers.
Even if no symbol comes to you right away, this practice will eventually help you develop a feel for the personal symbols that are essential to you.
Pay attention to your dreams
When it comes to getting in touch with your inner voices, powers, and thoughts, paying attention to your dreams is critical.
Our dreams, often vivid, help us understand the world. When we learn to listen to them, they can be incredibly persuasive and illuminating.
In the words of Jung,
Dreams are a powerful tool for evaluating our history, ambitions, and development, but far too few people pay attention to them.
Because of this, it’s essential for you to pay heed to your dreams when developing your mental powers.
Consider keeping a dream journal and interpreting your dreams when you awake. This may help you uncover important symbols or signs that re-occur in your dream state.
Surround yourself with like-minded individuals
Strengthening your mental powers can be tough, but it’s easier when you’re surrounded by people who respect the pursuit.
Each individual is capable of building mental powers. It’s also a great way to get in touch with the world around you. Remember that there is no one set of people who are deemed to have extrasensory perception. Everyone else just lags behind. According to the website Metaphysics Knowledge, a willingness to develop these powers is all that’s needed to reach your goals:
Research your areas of interest
One of the best ways to keep your pursuit of mental powers going is to learn as much as you can about it.
Just as if you were learning a new skill or language, researching mental powers is a wonderful way to incorporate them more fully into your life.
Understand the proven science behind mental powers
One often-overlooked aspect of developing extrasensory perception is to understand the science behind it.
Many studies show that extrasensory perception is natural, and people only need to practice to access it.
In one study, scientists measured a person’s brain waves while they viewed different images on the computer screen. Some images were calming landscapes; others were crime scenes.
While it was expected that the brain would react to the negative pictures, the findings were fascinating.
According to George Lowery:
How Psychic Abilities are Essential in the Modern World
While many people dismiss psychic powers, developing them can help you live a happier, fuller, and more exciting life, no matter what you’re facing. From getting more in-touch with your emotions and perceptions to being able to “read” other people more effectively, psychic powers have many benefits.
While it’s true that psychic abilities take some work to develop, the people who choose to acknowledge and honor their own unique mind powers will be rewarded by a fun experience and years and years of enhanced awareness, improved happiness, and a deeper connection with the world around them.
Have you ever sought to develop your psychic abilities? What are you working on right now?