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15 Secrets to Manifesting Abundance in Your Daily Life
Manifesting abundance. You’ve probably seen that phrase popping up in articles, books, and videos these days. It’s has become a hot topic of conversation, along with the law of attraction.
Maybe you’ve just skimmed on by when you’ve seen these phrases. Or maybe they made you stop and think. And wonder:
Just how can you manifest your desires to build the perfect life? Can you learn how to manifest wealth and abundance, for example?
With these thoughts in mind, let’s take a deeper dive into these concepts and explore them together.
Is it Possible to Learn the Art of Manifesting Abundance in Your Life?
Most of us have desires and dreams. Goals. We want abundant health; we’d like to learn how to attract wealth, how to manifest financial abundance.
Manifesting love is usually high on our lists as well.
Fortunately, with a few simple life tweaks, you can indeed learn how to manifest your desires and enjoy the life you dream of living.
And it’s not as far-fetched an idea as you might imagine. Consider these words from life coach and founder of The Addictions Coach, Cali Estes, Ph.D.
When you think about the areas of your life that would benefit from learning the art of manifesting abundance, what comes to mind? If you’re like most people, they likely include: But manifesting abundance can include plenty of other ideas as well. Each of us has different desires and dreams. And that’s a beautiful thing. So just how does manifesting abundance and the law of attraction really work? How can you learn to tap into its awesome power? Perhaps you’ve heard of, or even read, the book The Secret? Or maybe seen the movie based on that book. The result of years of research and self-discovery by the author, Rhonda Byrne, The Secret claims to unlock, well, the secret, of the law of attraction. By learning to tap into the power of the universe, according to Rhonda Byrne, you’ll manifest enormous wealth, health, love, and happiness. You’ll change your life in surprising and compelling ways through the law of attraction and manifesting abundance. The Secret took the world by storm, and with good reason. Many people, from all walks of life, used the secret of the law of attraction to change their lives. They learned the art of manifesting abundance. And the best part is, you can do it too. By learning the art of manifesting abundance and tapping into the law of attraction you are indeed the creator or your own destiny. You decide how your life is going to look; you make it happen. Just think about people you know who always seem to maintain a positive outlook. They rarely, if ever, get sick. And that’s not just good luck. It’s their mindset of abundance and positivity at work. But It does mean you should strive to stay upbeat, more often than not. You can change your life for the better by making simple adjustments in your thinking and attitudes on a daily basis. We all want to be financially stable, enjoy abundant health, the company of great friends. We desire healthy relationships that enrich our lives. By adopting a more positive outlook, all of these aspects of your life can and will improve. Here are 15 simple strategies to help you begin manifesting abundance in all areas of your life: Are you aware that you talk to yourself all of the time? You may not be speaking out loud — though I’m guessing some people do and that’s A-Okay — but you do continually send messages to your subconscious mind. If you call yourself an idiot or tell yourself you’re stupid often enough, your mind begins to believe it. You’re not stupid when you burned last night’s dinner. You just made a mistake. It happens to the best of us. It’s not a big deal. Treat yourself with as much sensitivity as you would anyone else. Cut yourself the same amount of slack you allow others. There’s no reason to be so hard on yourself. This small change in mindset can work wonders for your overall attitude and mental outlook. And it gets easier to do with practice. Spending even a few minutes a day imagining what you want in life is an excellent way to begin to feel like you’re already there. How does your ideal life look? Who’s in it with you? How does it sound, look, smell? The more often you practice visualization, the more likely you are to recognize opportunities when they arise. When you become aware, and in tune with what’s happening, you’re able to course correct and readjust as necessary. You begin to point yourself, and your life, in the direction you want to go. Positivity and feelings of appreciation for what is right in your life now will attract more of the same. This concept isn’t as crazy as it might seem. It’s not based on magic or mysticism, though it might feel like it is. When you adopt a positive attitude, instead of moaning and lamenting what isn’t perfect, you learn to problem solve. Problem-solving leads to course correction. Course correction leads you closer to the abundance you seek. Most of us hold onto clutter and negative thoughts and ideas that do us little to no good. To allow abundance into your life, you must clear a spot for it to land. Think about those thoughts and ideas that are holding you back. Learn to recognize them and push them away. They may come back a few times. That’s normal. Be vigilant. Eventually, those negative thoughts will get the hint and leave. To make this process easier, consider using a form of manifestation meditation to aid you in your efforts toward letting go of what no longer serves you. Often when you’re working toward a particular goal, you become so focused on that goal that you miss the surprises along the way. Veering off path can sometimes lead to even better things. Be open to new ideas. Learn to listen to your gut. Those intuitive sensations that you get can lead you to new ideas, open new doors. Intuition has been hardwired into our psyches. We’ve just become used to doubting ourselves and distrusting our instincts. Instead, let your intuition guide you. At least give it a say in the matter before rejecting the idea. Who knows where it might lead you? Sometimes we get so focused on what we want that we fail to see what we already have. And it’s often much more than you realize. It’s so easy to get caught up in comparing ourselves and our lives to those of others. Somehow, we always come away believing that everyone has more money, a more robust social life, bigger and better houses and cars. For all you know, those same people are looking at you with envy. We tend to think everyone else knows something we don’t. Learn to see the abundance already in your life and appreciate every aspect of it. As an added bonus, that positive attitude will expand and bring more of what you’re seeking into your life. Instead of longing for what might be and feeling regretful for what has been, focus on what’s going on in your life right now. It does no good to worry about what might happen, though I do understand letting go is easier said than done. Much like visualizing where you want to go, putting together a vision board or dream journal can help solidify your dreams and goals in your mind. Write down the kind of house you want to live in, where you want to live. Paste photos on a board that represent your goals and dreams. Whenever you find yourself falling into negative patterns and thoughts, pull out your board or journal and remind yourself of where you’re heading. Remember how, as a child, you imagined how your life would look when you grew up. You saw yourself and your life just as you desired, minus the self-doubt and worry that it might be unattainable. Tap into that imaginative inner child again. There are no limits on your imagination. Let it run free and see where it leads. I’m willing to bet that there are aspects of your life that are already just the way you want them. It’s all too easy to miss the wins of today when you’re too busy looking beyond them to what you haven’t yet achieved. Look closer to home now and again. Ask yourself what you already love about your life. There are bound to be more than a few things you wouldn’t change one little bit. But don’t just take my word for it. Consider this comment from mindfulness expert and Ph.D., Melanie Greenberg. In the spirit of paying it forward, give out to the universe that which you desire in your life. Karma is real. It may not be instant, but eventually, you tend to reap what you sow. Be generous-minded toward others. Exercise compassion and empathy. It may sound ridiculous, but a simple smile can work miracles. Not only will you brighten others’ days, but you’ll feel uplifted yourself. Feeling uplifted means, you’ll retain a positive outlook. And a positive outlook translates to manifesting abundance of your desires. It’s so simple. Just smile. Wins come in all shapes and sizes. When you’re striving to manifest life’s abundance, there’s a tendency to miss the things that are going exactly as planned. It doesn’t matter whether you pulled off a complicated recipe or landed a great new job. A win is a win. Enjoy every single one along the way. Life is going to throw curve balls at you. You can either let them take you down or use them as stepping stones. Resiliency allows you to roll with life’s punches. It’s not what happens to you that matters. It’s how you react to what happens. You’re going to experience setbacks. You’ll land short of your ultimate goals. Life will happen, good and bad. If you can adapt and weather the storms, you will find the rainbow on the other side. As you can see, there are many simple ways to begin to learn the art of manifesting abundance. Practice as many as possible on a daily basis. With consistency, they’ll soon become second nature. If you’re looking for more ideas and help with manifesting abundance in your life, click on the Light Of Mind shop and stroll through our extensive library of audio downloads to get started today.Tapping Into the Incredible Power of Manifesting Abundance
Harnessing the Secret of the Law Of Attraction
What is Your Idea of An Abundant, Full Life?
To manifest abundance in your life requires that you maintain a positive mindset and attitude. That doesn’t mean you’ll never again experience a bad day. You’re human. Bad days happen.
Simple Strategies for Manifesting Abundance in Your Life
1. Speak to yourself in positive ways:
2. Learn to visualize your dreams:
3. Develop a state of gratitude:
4. Rid your mind of what no longer serves you:
5. Let go of rigid ideas of what you think you want:
6. Listen to your intuitive self:
7. Count your current blessings:
8. Live in the moment:
9. Create a vision board or dream journal:
10. Tap into your inner child:
11. Look for ways that you’re already living your dream life:
12. Become generous of spirit and action:
13. Smile:
14. Celebrate your wins along the way:
15. Cultivate resiliency: