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A Major Breakthrough in Releasing Your Potential

Binaural Beats Research Brainwave Music

How and Why it Works for You

• Binaural beats are special tones embedded into relaxing music at various frequencies that entrain your brain.

• When listening binaural beats music you can fall asleep quickly, meditate effortlessly, focus and study without distraction and much more.

how do binaural beats work notes and sound waves

Why Binaural Beats Research is Different – and Better

David & Steve Gordon set out to create a new series Binaural Beats music that is more powerfully effective and sounds better than any others they had heard.

The new Binaural Beats Research series fulfills the promise of brainwave music at last.

They teamed up with one of the leading sound researchers in the field of brainwave music, Richard Merrill of Songrest.

Together they have created the most advanced of Binaural Beats music available which has significant advantages over past techniques.

What are Binaural Beats and how do They Work

Binaural Beats are tones of different sound frequencies that are added into music in a very special way.

The music then entrains the brain in various ways that can be very useful, from better focus and concentration, improved memory, relaxation, meditation, better sleep and much more.

“Auditory beat stimulation may be a promising new tool for the manipulation of cognitive processes and the modulation of mood states.”

Leila Chaieb et al, in Frontiers in Psychiatry, 2015

You may well have heard the term “binaural beats.” You might even know what they sound like.

Even so, we’ll safely assume that these new recordings from Binaural Beats Research & David & Steve Gordon will provide you with an entirely new and vivid transformational experience.

As we discuss these recordings, we’ll also answer the question, “How do binaural beats work?”

How do Binaural Beats Entrain Our Brains?

If you’ve ever found yourself tapping your foot or felt your body swaying to a melody, you’re familiar with this phenomenon.

The moment we hear a musical beat, and for as long as the sounds continue, neurons in our brains repeatedly trigger in rhythm.

This trigger causes an electrical communication signal to pass from our auditory system to our brain cells.

With this firing of brain cells, surrounding neurons begin to respond. This leads to more firing neurons, repeating again and again, until a pulsing rhythm results.

When enough neurons are fired and join in the rhythm, its strength becomes measurable via electroencephalograph, or EEG.

Even weaker individual brain cells join in with this rhythm, creating an electrochemical rhythmic pulse. The activity in the brain is then guided in a new direction in concert with these musical beats.

And that’s another example of how binaural beats work in music.

If you’ve ever wondered, does brainwave music work, this scientifically proven rhythmic entrainment of the brain with music is one of the reasons why it does.

What are Binaural Beats?

I’m sure you’ve attended concerts and heard the orchestra tuning up before the performance. If so, you’ve no doubt heard interference beats, even if you didn’t know what they were.

Interference beats occur when two tones, or notes, are played too close together. While each tone is pure, you hear a dissonance or lack of harmony.

The two tones essentially clash with one another, sounding mismatched.

These clashing notes may vibrate together, making them louder. Or one might be louder than the other, making them softer, canceling each other out.

The Secret of Interference Beats

This loud-soft rhythmic beat is called an interference beat.

Binaural beats take all of this a bit further.

Investigators as long ago as the 1800s discovered that when different tones are played simultaneously in each ear, the brain understands the tones are different. It then creates a phantom difference beat as though you were listening to the notes in the air.

Think about that.  It’s an incredible phenomenon of the brain.

Research has shown that when your brain responds to these phantom beats, what we call binaural beats, it changes its own rhythmic activity to match the beat.

Sometimes, this response results in changes within the activity of the brain. Yet another answer to the question of how do binaural beats work.

Check out this article, if you would like to know more about the science behind binaural beats.

So Then What are Isochronic Tones?

Single tones that pulse in loudness are the isochronic tones we’ve been discussing thus far.

When combined with binaural beats, the result is auditory beat stimulation.

To better illustrate the difference in these tones and beats, one of them, the isochronic tones, are sensed in air. Binaural beats, on the other hand, are better discerned via the two speakers.

Binaural beats and isochronic tones are combined to make the beats themselves more clear. It doesn’t matter what tool you use to listen to them.

Isochronic tones affect brainwave entrainment more effectively when used in music.

For this reason, when isochronic tones are used alone you’ll enjoy greater comfort and positive effect. This is true whether they’re heard by themselves or in music.

Learn more about how and why Binaural Beats Music works to benefit you.

At Last! Headphones are not Required

Until David & Steve Gordon’s Binaural Beats Research series, you needed to use headphones in order for the tones to entrain your brain.

But through the addition of isochronic tones, mixed in the music using an exclusive process, the effect previously only achieved with headphones is now possible while listening to their Binaural Beats music with speakers.

No Distracting Unmusical Tones

In order for Binaural Beats music to work, until now, the tones that were added to the music had to be mixed so loud that it made it difficult to enjoy the music.

For David & Steve Gordon’s Binaural Beats Research series, they used sound design software to embed the Binaural Beats in the music so it closely follows the exact waveform of the music.

This means the Binaural Beats are always at exactly the right volume, in both loud and quiet passages of the music.

The result is that you can enjoy listening to the music without distracting tones getting in the way.

Click on the albums below to hear sound samples or download the full albums.

Experience the power of Binaural Beats brainwave music for yourself!

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