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how do binaural beats work notes and sound waves

Binaural Beats Brainwave Music – Why and How it Works (2024)

How do binaural beats work? For that matter, what are binaural beats? Do you know if you've ever heard them? Binaural Beats are tones of different sound frequencies that are added into music in a very special way. The music then entrains the brain in various ways that can be very useful, from better focus and concentration, improved memory, relaxation,…

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The Science Behind Binaural Beats brainwaves

The Science Behind Binaural Beats and Isochronic Tones (2024)

David & Steve Gordon recently did a project in collaboration with SongRest. It derives from the science behind binaural beats and isochronic tones. If you would like to know what are binaural beats and how do they work then first start with this introductory article. SongRest's goal on this project was very specific; to incorporate binaural beats and tones with…

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self confidence tips - people talking

23 Self Confidence Tips to Help You Strike Up A Conversation With Anyone

It's not a stretch to say that confidence and the ability to strike up a conversation with anyone, anywhere, go hand in hand. With that in mind, it stands to reason that if you're looking to improve your conversational skills, acquiring some helpful self confidence tips would prove valuable. So to that end, we're going to discuss some simple self…

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manifesting your desires - happy people

The 2 Most Powerful Truths When Manifesting Your Desires

Do you ever wonder if the possibility of manifesting your desires is a real phenomenon? Indeed, by now you've no doubt heard about this thing called the law of attraction; that you hold all the power when it comes to manifesting your desires. But despite these claims about the power of manifestation, it's still natural to have doubts. After all,…

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Natural ways to increase energy levels - man doing handstand on beach

17 Natural Ways to Increase Energy Levels (And Generate Enthusiasm)

If you're like most of us, you'd love to find a few natural ways to increase energy levels in your day-to-day life. In these crazy busy times, being pulled in a million different directions is a feeling with which we're all too familiar. Work pressures, driving kids to and from school and to their extracurricular activities, along with other daily…

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feeling stuck in life - hiking couple

What To Do When You’re Feeling Stuck In Life (And Get Moving Again)

Do you ever find yourself feeling stuck in life? Perhaps you're in a job you hate and feel trapped. Or maybe you feel trapped in a relationship. Maybe you're just plain stuck in a rut. Whatever it is that is zapping your energy and making you feel like you're stuck in quick-drying cement, you can take solace in the knowledge…

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how to get rid of limiting beliefs - main and waterfall

How to Get Rid of Limiting Beliefs That Block Your Enthusiasm (11 Ways)

Do you know how to get rid of limiting beliefs? Maybe a better question is whether you believe you actually hold any limiting beliefs. And if you are, which I guarantee you are, can you learn how to get rid of limiting beliefs? You may firmly believe you aren't holding onto limiting beliefs, that you're fairly brimming with confidence and…

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manifesting abundance overflowing flowers and fruit

15 Secrets to Manifesting Abundance in Your Daily Life

Manifesting abundance. You've probably seen that phrase popping up in articles, books, and videos these days. It's has become a hot topic of conversation, along with the law of attraction. Maybe you've just skimmed on by when you've seen these phrases. Or maybe they made you stop and think. And wonder: Just how can you manifest your desires to build the…

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how to break an addiction, woman dancing on water

How to Break an Addiction That’s Been Holding Back Your Life

Is there an easy, fool-proof way to learn how to break an addiction? And when we say addiction, we're not only talking about substance abuse or gambling addictions. We're also talking about other types of addiction. What about addiction to food, or maybe an addiction to sugar? And these days, we can add another pervasive form of addiction to the…

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