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5 Super Simple Mind Power Techniques to Improve Concentration
Concentration, the ability to focus, why can this feel so difficult sometimes? Aren’t there some simple mind power techniques you can use to enhance your ability to concentrate? What a boon that would be.
If you’re like most of us, despite your best intentions, being able to concentrate and focus on the task at hand is often anything but easy.
In fact – it’s downright elusive.
It can feel like your mind is constantly trying to escape and do anything but focus on what you need to be doing.
If only there were some magical ways to improve concentration, some mind power techniques, perhaps, that would totally change the game; turn you into a super concentrating, laser-focusing whiz.
Well, the good news is, there is. It turns out you can train your mind to develop better concentration skills.
Who knew?
Usually this involves time and practice, and a little determination, to make it happen.
However there are proven ways to improve concentration and focus that are simple and easy.Can Mind Power Techniques Truly Super-Charge Your Concentration?
It is possible to use simple mind power techniques to improve your concentration and focus and, thus, increase your productivity.
Your mind is a powerful tool. And you’re going to learn to use that tool to improve concentration and memory. To make improving memory effortless, download our Mp3 Power Memory for some positive affirmations to help improve your memory.
Now, let’s explore why the ability to improve your concentration and focus is so important.
The Amazing Power Of Concentration
My guess is you already have just a wee bit of an inkling of the importance of concentration, but just in case you’re having trouble concentrating, a little refresher can’t hurt.
One immediately clear reason focus and concentration are difficult can be chalked up to sheer boredom. If you’re not particularly interested in what you’re doing, getting distracted is practically a given.
Distraction is even easier nowadays with the internet and our phones calling us away from what we’re focusing on.
But when you’re better able to focus and concentrate, even on necessary but uninteresting tasks, your productivity skyrockets.
When you’re more productive, you feel better. Instead of feeling like you’ve wasted time for much of the day, you feel a sense of satisfaction.
And let’s face it, even when you’re not bored, there are plenty of possible distractions always vying for your attention. Being able to focus and concentrate amidst all the noise is crucial.
That’s why subconscious mind power techniques are your new secret weapon.
5 Easy Subconscious Mind Power Techniques To Improve Concentration
There are lots of different mind power techniques that work to train your subconscious to improve concentration and focus.
For simplicity’s sake, we’re going to focus specifically on just five simple mind power techniques to start using right away and also provide you with some tools to simplify the process.
Let’s get started.
1. Add meditation to your daily routine:
Meditation has numerous benefits to your mental health and well-being. It’s easy to think of meditation as something performed only by Buddhist monks or dedicated yogis.
But meditation is available to all of us, and it’s a fantastic way to improve your ability to concentrate.
Meditation not only helps you relax, but it also works to slow down and train your racing mind to focus.
And optimal ability to focus is the very essence of concentration.
2. Take time to rest:
It may surprise you to learn that getting enough rest, both in the form of sleep and daily mind breaks, can do much to enhance your concentration skills.
If you’ve ever tried to stay on task after a lousy night’s sleep or made yourself keep going and going like the Energizer Bunny until you can no longer keep a sustained thought in your head, you know how it feels to lose your laser focus.
Laser focus? You’ll be lucky if it’s a diffuse light focus. You pretty much can’t do it.
It’s vital that you allow yourself time to recharge, both mentally and physically.
Contrary to what you may think, taking downtime is not a waste of time. Instead, it sharpens your mental capacity and your concentration skills.
So take a walk. Sit quietly for a few minutes. Close your eyes and daydream. It’ll do your mind a world of good.
If you don’t believe me, take a look at this passage from a New York Times article on the importance of rest:
3. Understand that practice really does make perfect:
No one learns to do anything well without practice. Don’t expect your ability to retrain your mind and improve concentration techniques to happen overnight.
Ridding yourself of scatter-brained moments won’t happen right out of the gate. But with some of the simple techniques we’re covering today, along with a bit of help form the downloads on the Light of Mind website, you will find your concentration abilities improving before you know it.
4. Rid your mind of nagging thoughts:
“Did I leave the stove on?” “I wonder what’s happening on Facebook. I’ll just take a quick look….” “I need to mow the lawn.”
“What’s the meaning of life?” 🙂
If you’re not careful, your mind will wander hither and yon, everywhere except where you need to be focused.
And a wandering mind does not result in reaching your goals or being successful.
Yes, it’ll take practice and discipline to train your mind to stay on task, but you can do it. Try writing down things you don’t want to forget, freeing your mind to move on to the task at hand.
Journaling is an excellent way to remove thoughts from your head to keep them from pestering you when you’re busy.
Those pesky random thoughts are like children demanding attention. Give them that attention — put them down in a journal or diary — and get back to what you’re doing.
5. Eliminate distractions:
I guess in many ways, everything we’ve already discussed as to why it’s often so hard to concentrate leads back to one thing: distractions.
In one form or another, distractions are everywhere. They’re in our heads. They’re in our environment. We create them ourselves, and we’re the victim of outside influences.
Social media, family obligations, worries and nagging doubts, lack of sleep, the list goes on and on. And they all rob you of your ability to focus and concentrate.
But you do have some control over distractions. We’ve already discussed a few of them, like journaling and meditation.
But sometimes the simplest answer is just to remove the distraction.
Go into a quiet room. Find a place outdoors, away from the madding crowd. Turn off electronic notifications, even the silent ones that just pop up on your screens.
You’ll find it so much easier to concentrate when you’re not trying to ignore things going on around you. Just move away from them or turn them off. That’s half the battle.
Clearly, your ability to concentrate is challenging on multiple levels. But with a little discipline and a little help from self help audio downloads, it is possible to learn how to train your subconscious and become a lean, mean concentration machine.