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Automatic Weight Loss – Lose Pounds and Keep Them Off

Reflective Self-Hypnosis

Dr. Matthew Cohn

Length: 41:18
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Use your Subconscious Power to Lose Weight Effortlessly

  • Do you have a tendency to go from diet to diet?
  • Does the cycle of eating too much then going on an extreme diet leave you feeling worn out?
  • Do you diet for a few days only to find the cravings overwhelming you?
  • Do you struggle to keep up with strenuous exercise programs?

We’re sure you’ve heard it before, but making your body yo-yo back and forth between extremes isn’t healthy for you. It produces a lot of wear and tear on your body that can leave you feeling drained, depressed, and overwhelmed. It can also undermine your health and make it harder for your body to function optimally.

Pills aimed at helping you lose weight can create even more havoc on your body, throwing it into chaos, and potentially even danger… And all in the name of being thin!

You may find that even with all of these unhealthy and sometimes-painful methods, you still aren’t able to keep the weight off. That’s because the real secret lies in the power of your mind.

That doesn’t mean you just need more will power. Will power is a very conscious effort when hunger and the impulse to eat arise from your unconscious mind. But it is possible to stop the hunger signals and cravings before they start.

Watch the Pounds Fall Off Through Hypnosis

Believe it or not, you can shed those unwanted pounds and inches quickly – and keep them off permanently.

In this Reflective Self-Hypnosis audio download, our certified hypnotherapists will gently guide your mind away from negative thoughts about yourself, which can create feelings of guilt, which may drive you toward eating more to cope.

Our hypnotherapists will replace those negative thoughts about yourself, your weight, and your eating habits with more positive, productive thoughts that will allow you to eat only when you need to eat – matching your appetite to the true needs of your body.

From there, your unconscious mind will direct you to weight loss naturally and effortlessly.

Start your journey toward a healthier you today!

Automatic Weight Loss – Lose Pounds and Keep Them Off

List of Tracks in This Download

  • 1. Automatic Weight Loss Theta Level Hypnosis
  • 2. Weight Maintenance Theta Level Hypnosis
Total Time: 41:18
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