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Conquer Sexual Problems – Men’s Version

Reflective Self-Hypnosis

Dr. Mary Fuller, Dr. Matthew Cohn

Length: 38:12
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Shift Sex back to the Pleasure Zone

Sex is one of the great joys in life. It can make a man feel satisfied and alive… until dysfunction happens.
It can strike the best of us. Most men will experience an upsetting situation or two in the normal course of their sexual adventures. It can start out for any number of perfectly normal reasons. It could be nerves, too much to drink, an imbalance in your diet – most of it natural and not too much to worry about.

But then with the next opportunity, that one episode comes back to mind. It starts messing with your head, breaks your normal, natural, unconscious flow. Under normal circumstances, sex is able to flow according to your basic instincts – it’s not something you have to think about.

Once you start to worry about how you’re going to do tonight, however, you interrupt the unconscious process and it becomes a more conscious activity… where it doesn’t fare as well.

Sex isn’t meant to be something that you have to think about. Your conscious mind doesn’t have the resources to think about so many things at once. In order to master truly magnetic sexual performance, you need to let your body and unconscious mind do their thing.

Easier said than done.

It’s difficult to put those disruptive fears and worries to rest. That’s where the power of hypnosis comes in.

Hypnosis has the Power to Conquer Your Sexual Problems

In this effective Reflective Self-Hypnosis session, our certified hypnotherapists will ease those fears away. You’ll be able to relax entirely, without reservation, and allow the memories of those past difficulties melt away.

You’ll notice that each sexual encounter starts to go more smoothly. You’ll feel cool and confident again. You’re able to once again relax into the flow of the moment because you’re able to allow your conscious mind to take a step back while you unconscious mind takes the wheel and steers you to maximum sexual performance.
You’ll be happier, and your partner will, too.

Don’t let another night of pleasure fall by the wayside – reclaim your sexual prowess today!

Conquer Sexual Problems – Men’s Version

List of Tracks in This Download

  • 1. Theta Level Hypnosis
  • 2. Alpha Level Hypnosis
Total Time: 38:12
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