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Overcoming Disappointments

Reflective Self-Hypnosis

Dr. Matthew Cohn

Length: 22:58
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You Can Be Free of Disappointment

Whether it’s getting passed up for a job promotion, being rejected in love, or having something we were looking forward to fall apart, disappointment is a fact of life that we all have to learn how to live with.

It’s easy for you to think that you shouldn’t allow yourself to get discouraged, but as we’re sure you’ve noticed, actually making that happen is an entirely different story.

Consciously we recognize that we’d be a lot happier if we could manage the way that we react to things not going our way, so why do we still wind up feeling let down? If we know how we should be thinking, why can’t we just do it?

Re-Frame Disappointments with Your Subconscious Mind

The quality of your life is profoundly influenced by your core thinking patterns that were established in the recesses of your distant past. These either positive or negative, but often some mixture of both now happen automatically in the background without your noticing.

Because these deeply rooted thought patterns happen before they reach your conscious awareness, if you want to truly alter them to begin shaping a happier reality for yourself, then you will need to go directly to the source.

Our Reflective Self-Hypnosis audio downloads guide you into a Theta-level hypnotic state where your unconscious mind is available and receptive to positive reassurance. In this state, the feelings and thought patterns that you want to take hold within the core of your being – that is, those that are healthier and leave you capable of better dealing with life’s disappointments – are able to enter your unconscious awareness.

In the deeply relaxed state of Theta-level hypnosis, you will begin to find the peace and resolution you need to feel comfortable and happy no matter what life throws at you.

Gain inner resilience against disappointment today!

Overcoming Disappointments

List of Tracks in This Download

  • 1. Theta Level Hypnosis
Total Time: 22:58
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