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Overcoming Fear of Heights

Reflective Self-Hypnosis

Dr. Mary Fuller, Dr. Matthew Cohn

Length: 41:30
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Discover Freedom from a Fear of Heights

  • Does even the idea of heights make you uneasy?
  • Does being in one of the higher levels of buildings fill you with anxiety?
  • Do you avoid certain situations if they involve being high up?
  • Do you feel like you’re missing out on things you want to do because of your fear?

The official name for a fear of heights is acrophobia and it is very common. A mild fear of heights is perfectly normal and perhaps even helpful! It’s when this fear begins to interrupt your life that it’s a problem.

If a fear of heights is holding you back from advancing in your personal goals or truly enjoying life, it’s time to take action.

While it’s possible to go through life without having to be somewhere high, acrophobia can severely limit your options. You deserve to have the doors of opportunity cast wide for you – and you can.

Break Away from the Limits of Acrophobia Through Hypnosis

We’re sure that you’ve tried to overcome your fear of heights before. Perhaps you tried something as formal as talk therapy, or perhaps you’ve simply tried to tell yourself to stop being afraid.

Unfortunately, it’s not that easy to talk ourselves out of a debilitating fear because when we try to remind ourselves of something (such as that we are not in danger), we’re only speaking to our conscious mind that has no control over our fears. In order to affect a real change, you need to send the message to your unconscious. That’s what makes Reflective Self-Hypnosis so powerful.

During these hypnosis audio sessions, our certified hypnotherapists will speak to the source of your fear, itself – your unconscious mind – on both the Alpha and Theta levels. The result is a clearer, freer you in no time.

Discover what it’s like to live free of fear today!

Overcoming Fear of Heights

List of Tracks in This Download

  • 1. Theta Level Hypnosis
  • 2. Alpha Level Hypnosis
Total Time: 41:30
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