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Running – More Endurance, Enjoyment & Motivation

Reflective Self-Hypnosis

Dr. Matthew Cohn

Length: 23:20
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Unleash Your Inner Running Power

You can run faster and farther than you think.

There are times when our minds think we can’t take another step, when that little voice is pleading with us to give up. Your legs are burning, and your lungs feel like they’re about to explode. We feel like we’re at the end of our rope and we have no more to give.

Your brain wants you to conserve energy because it evolved during a time when the fuel needed to power that running was short, and you never knew where it was going to come from next. So, your mind is going to do everything it can to make you think you must stop.

But you can keep going.

While it feels like you’ve got nothing left, if you kept putting one foot in front of the other, your body would be there, fully capable of propelling you forward. Your body often has more stamina than your mind does. But, it’s also subject to the will of your brain, so to improve your stamina even further, you need to find a source of mental motivation.

Run Farther Than Ever Before Through Hypnosis

When you’re running, your unconscious mind will send urges to your conscious self to stop running. It’ll try to conserve your energy as much as possible. Because these ideas are coming from deep within you, they’ll be hard to resist.

You can up your motivation, improve your stamina and achieve greater results by making the changes you need to see not at the conscious level, but by starting at the base of your thoughts, where they originate – deep at the unconscious level.

In this Reflective Self-Hypnosis download, you’ll find the power within you to keep going where before you would’ve felt the need to stop. You’ll find that the motivation comes to you effortlessly, and you’ll be astonished by the physical results you’re able to accomplish.

Discover what it’s like to find ease in running farther today!

Running – More Endurance, Enjoyment & Motivation

List of Tracks in This Download

  • 1. Theta Level Hypnosis
Total Time: 23:20
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