Lose Weight with Slim Thinking
Reflective Self-Hypnosis |
Dr. Mary Fuller, Dr. Matthew Cohn |
Length: 40:00 |
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Re-program the Thoughts that Keep You from Losing Weight
Have you tried diet program after diet program where you initially lose a lot of weight, but then immediately gain it back again?
Are you baffled by skinny people who seem to have a natural ability to limit their eating habits, seemingly with little or no effort?
Does it make you feel like self-control just isn’t in your cards?
It’s not you. You don’t have some defect that whittles away your personal self-control while others have piles and piles of it. The truth is that those slender people you see walking around, eating their healthy salads don’t have anymore self-control than you do. They just happen to think thin.
What does it mean to think thin?
People who are effortlessly slim, have innate thought patterns that lead them to crave different kinds of foods than the rest of us, and to crave them in different ways than we do.
Whereas most of us find ourselves craving an entire chocolate cheesecake, slim people might be more drawn toward a well-prepared chicken breast.
These deeply embedded preferences give them an edge when it comes to weight management.
You can become somebody who easily resists cravings.
With the power of our Reflective Self-Hypnosis, you can join the ranks of these slim thinkers.
Hypnosis speaks directly to the source of all these harmful cravings: your unconscious mind.
Traditional techniques have your conscious and unconscious minds engaged in an endless battle. Your conscious mind wants to wield self-control and regulate what you eat so that you can lose weight and claim the body you have always wanted. Your unconscious mind, however, is still in survival mode, sending out impulses that drive you towards high-calorie foods again and again.
The solution is our powerful hypnosis audio downloads, which access your unconscious mind directly, guiding it towards healthier ways of thinking and away from emotional eating. After using our naturally slimming hypnosis therapies, you’ll find yourself automatically drawn to new habits that will make you want to eat the things that will make you healthier, happier, and thinner.
Lose Weight with Slim Thinking
List of Tracks in This Download
- 1. Theta Level Hypnosis19:48
- 2. Alpha Level Hypnosis20:12