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Money, Wealth & Financial Success – The Road to Riches

Reflective Self-Hypnosis

Dr. Matthew Cohn

Length: 20:10
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Get the “Millionaire Mind” and Change Your Life

The difference between poor and broke is that broke is a temporary condition.

Whether you’re poor or rich isn’t simply about the amount of money you have right now. It’s a state of mind. There are some people in this world – and perhaps you’ve met one or two of them – who no matter how little money they have now, you just know that sooner or later, they’re going to be wealthy.

It’s not just that eventually they’ll accumulate money; they just have a mental state that is different from the rest of the population. Their basic setting is to become wealthy even if they occasionally hit a few rough batches where hard luck turned against them. But, no matter how broke these people get, they’re always on the way back up. They see opportunities you don’t and people are attracted to working with them because of the positive way they feel about money. They expect to become wealthy and other people see them that way too.
They simply generate prosperity.

There are plenty of people who are smart and work hard their entire lives but who will never be wealthy. The answer isn’t to do more or to try harder. You need that millionaire mentality to make it big. It’s that millionaire mentality that defines the difference between the broke and the poor.

But how do you just gain that millionaire mentality? If it was something you could simply talk yourself into, everyone would do it and we’d all be millionaires.

It has to emanate from deep within your unconscious mind – far below where your conscious realizations can reach. Only once it boils up from here will you begin to allow your positive beliefs about money to enable you to become truly successful.

Radically Alter Your Financial Future With the Power of Hypnosis

Some people are born with the millionaire mindset, but for the rest of us, there’s no reason to fret. You, too, can accomplish it.

At first, it may feel impossible because it’s not something you can consciously alter, but hypnosis works well below the conscious threshold. Hypnosis bypasses the limited abilities of your conscious mind to alter the unconscious nature of how you approach the world itself. Here is where our certified hypnotherapists will use our powerful Reflective Self-Hypnosis audio downloads to help uncover the powerhouse of wealth waiting inside you.
Don’t stay trapped in going nowhere another day. Download this powerful hypnosis therapy session and start reshaping your destiny right now.

Money, Wealth & Financial Success – The Road to Riches

List of Tracks in This Download

  • 1. Theta Level Hypnosis
Total Time: 20:10
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