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Positive Thinking

Reflective Self-Hypnosis

Dr. Matthew Cohn

Length: 22:30
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Be More Positive and Watch Your Life Transform!

Have you ever met one of those people who managed to maintain a happy mood, even when it seemed like everything was going wrong? Maybe they were completely calm and relaxed while you were in a state of panic.

Did you wonder how they were able to do that? Have you ever wished that you could channel that inner tranquility when things weren’t going your way?

Staying Positive Can Make You More Successful

Positive thinking isn’t just about staying happy.

Negative thinking blocks out creativity. For those of you who are in a creative field, or who enjoy creative hobbies, it will be immediately obvious why you don’t want that. For those in positions that are considered more straightforward, this might not seem like it’ll affect your personal success that much.

The truth is that the people who get ahead in any field are the ones who think creatively. That includes everything from business, to finances, to engineering, and even mathematics!

Creativity isn’t important only to the artists. If you want to get more done in your day-to-day life, you need to be able to think outside of the box, and negativity is the first barrier to being able to do that.

Bring Out Your Brighter, Happier Self

The people who are happy aren’t the ones that good things happen to, they’re the ones who look at the things that happen as being good. But training yourself to think in that way can be easier said than done. It’s hard to tell your conscious self to just, “think positively.”

That’s why in this Reflective Self-Hypnosis download, certified hypnotherapist Dr. Matthew Cohn will speak directly to your unconscious mind – the place where all those negative tendencies are coming from.

While in a state of complete relaxation, the deepest recesses of your mind will be most open to the positive reassurances contained in this powerful Theta-level self-hypnosis audio.

Find out what it’s like to be calm and thinking positively in any situation, no matter what life throws at you.

Positive Thinking

List of Tracks in This Download

  • 1. Theta Level Hypnosis
Total Time: 22:30

Positive Thinking

Original price was: $9.95.Current price is: $1.99.
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Reflective Self-Hypnosis

Dr. Matthew Cohn

Length: 22:30

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Original price was: $19.90.Current price is: $3.58.

Positive Thinking

Reflective Self-Hypnosis


Happiness – The Goal of Life

Reflective Self-Hypnosis

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