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9 Techniques to Help Raise Your Levels of Spiritual Awareness
What is spiritual awareness? Why does spiritual awakening happen? And are there some easy awakening process steps you can learn for greater self-growth?
It’s easy to understand how you might experience some spiritual awakening confusion. On its face, it can seem a bit mysterious. Fortunately, spiritual awakening steps are easier to learn and recognize than you might at first believe.
So if you’ve been wondering just how to increase spiritual awareness in your life, you’ve definitely come to the right place.
The Expansive Joy in Realizing Spiritual Awareness
As we’ve already discussed, among the many benefits of learning how to tap into higher levels of spiritual awareness in your life is that it brings a sense of peace and belonging. The desire for material possessions takes a back seat to things in life that money just can’t buy.
When you’re able to expand your spiritual awareness, you begin to realize that you are in total control of creating the life you live. And rather than seeing that as something to fear, you find it is, in fact, freeing.
This quote from Bruce Davis, Ph.D., who leads daily meditation sessions at the Silent Stay Retreat Center near Napa, California, illustrates this point perfectly.
The Many Faces of Spiritual Awareness
Spiritual awakenings aren’t always immediately apparent. They can happen without you even being consciously aware.
Conversely, your transition to higher spiritual awareness can happen in a much more in-your-face, can’t-miss way.
Regardless of how your spiritual awakening process occurs, the result is, among other benefits, increased self-awareness, enhanced feelings of empathy, peace, and self-acceptance.
Greater Self-Awareness & Empathy for Others Comes With Heightened Spiritual Awareness
Humility, compassion, understanding — these are all manifestations of spiritual awareness. Whether they develop over time or occur almost overnight depends on the catalyst that precedes this awakening and your receptiveness at that moment.
Have You Experienced These Common Signs of Spiritual Awareness?
First, it’s helpful to recognize some of the physical signs of spiritual awakening. They can be subtle and easily missed unless you know what to look for.
- A desire for freedom from material possessions.
- A realization that you’d like to change careers or jobs.
- A longing to learn and explore new things, to expand your horizons.
- A desire to let go of unhealthy habits in favor of better self-care.
Each of these mental states is an indication that you’ve experienced a higher level of spiritual awareness. And a conscious effort on your part to attain higher spiritual awareness can help you get there faster.
9 Simple Techniques to Vastly Elevate Your Spiritual Awareness Levels
Each of these 9 techniques represents a few of the easiest methods you can use to begin tapping into the spiritual awakening process.
1. Embrace fear
Fear is a debilitating state of mind, and all too often your worries are unfounded. You’re afraid of failing so you don’t try. You worry about looking foolish, which stops you in your tracks.
More often than not, your fears are not based on reality, but rather on worries about what-if. What if you fail. What if you can’t do it?
These fears are paralyzing, and ultimately, unproductive.
So instead of allowing fear to hold you back, remind yourself that your worst fears never come to pass. Think back to times in the past when, faced with a challenge, you found your way around it and moved forward.
The worst that can happen rarely does. And with every challenge overcome, your confidence rises exponentially. Fear stops you less and less over time.
2. Meditate
Meditation is growing in popularity. Many successful people meditate regularly. Oprah Winfrey and Ellen Degeneres are two that come to mind. There are many others.
If you’re new to meditation, it’s hard to see how just sitting quietly in one place can have many benefits.
But people who meditate regularly tend to enjoy, among other benefits, better sleep, lower levels of stress, and a greater sense of calm.
And a calm mind and enhanced sense of peace can’t help but raise your spiritual awareness, opening your mind to new ideas and creativity.
Best of all, meditation doesn’t require huge chunks of time. Practicing for just a few minutes a day will significantly improve your ability to deal with life’s many challenges.
3. Practice forgiveness, of yourself and others
Forgiveness isn’t always easy. We all know that. And often the one you’re least ready to forgive is yourself. It’s not unusual to give someone else tons of slack on something you’ll beat yourself up over.
But among the common signs of spiritual awareness is an enhanced ability to let go of hurts and resentments, real and imagined. You begin to understand that malice and anger toward others harm you most in the long run.
When you know you’ve put your best self forward, done your best under any given circumstance, then you’ve no reason to doubt yourself.
Those who’ve achieved higher levels of spiritual awareness already know this. So cut yourself some slack, and do the same for others. It’s the road to greater happiness and self-acceptance.
4. Be honest with yourself
What is it about yourself that you know you need to change? It’s not always easy to look yourself in the eye and face negative qualities you know could use an overhaul. But looking honestly at yourself is the first step toward change.
And mind you, you’re not looking for glaring faults. Instead, you’re looking for areas of self-improvement. Think about moving past those fears that have been stopping you in your tracks. Or letting go of habits that hold you back.
5. Reduce clutter in your environment and your mind
Clutter does not make for a peaceful mind. Whether it’s a cluttered desk, house, or the rooms within your mind, overstuffing them is stifling.
The pursuit of material items inhibits feelings of calm and peacefulness. I may not get this phrase precisely right, but it goes something like this: “People spend money they don’t have on things they don’t need to impress people they don’t like.”
Too often, you focus on material items meant to impress others, when upon closer examination of your motives, you realize you don’t even need, or want, what you’re buying.
This desire for “stuff” clutters your home, without a doubt. But it also clutters your mind because you’re worrying about what others think of you when the only person whose opinion matters is your own.
That’s wasted time and effort.
Strive to let go of the endless pursuit of material possessions and instead focus on those areas of your life that matter most — your loved ones. Focus on experiences rather than objects. It’s way more fulfilling.
6. Spend time in nature
Nature is soothing to the soul. The feel of a spring breeze, the sounds of birds singing, water flowing. These sounds are relaxing and bring a sense of calm and peacefulness.
Whenever you can, head outdoors. Go for a walk. Or a run. There are few better ways to tap into your spiritual being than spending time surrounded by nature.
7. Practice self-care
Most of us tend to focus on what needs to get done and who needs our attention, often to the detriment of our own health and well-being. There’s always a feeling that you’ll find time for yourself after you’ve tended to everything and everyone else.
But often that time for yourself never comes.
You must carve out periods of time to relax, unwind, and rejuvenate. Learn to let go of any guilt about caring for yourself. You’re of no use to anyone else if you’re unable to function or you’re always in a state of stress.
Realize that self-care is the best thing you can do for not only yourself but for those in your life who depend on you. It is, indeed, the opposite of selfishness.
8. Concentrate on expanding your mind
I’m sure you’ve heard the term “personal development.” Personal development involves such activities as reading and listening to books or audio files on self-improvement.
You want to expose your mind to new areas of study and different approaches to life. To learning new things.
All of these activities will result in enhanced knowledge and perception. You’ll discover things you would never have encountered had you not sought them out.
And an expanded mind and greater awareness and perception are one of the best roads toward enhanced levels of spiritual awareness.
9. Take a close look at your beliefs
Are your personal beliefs in alignment with your goals and desires? Or are they standing in the way, creating barriers to where you want to go?
When you believe that you’re unworthy of achieving a particular goal, no matter how much you want to accomplish that goal, the odds are you’ll fall short.
Be willing to take a good look at the beliefs to which you’re holding fast and push them away if they’re not in line with your life’s desires.
All too often, we are our own worst enemies. Don’t allow constricting beliefs to block your path to greater levels of spiritual awareness and happiness.
Have you found ways to achieve higher levels of spiritual awareness in your life? Or are you looking for some easy steps you can take to discover your own spiritual awakening? If so, we have plenty of audio file downloads to choose from that will get you started on your journey today. Visit to find the ones that work best for you.